Bedtime story: Erika’s Sleepy Star Adventure

 Erika’s Sleepy Star Adventure


Wilson M. Gabitan

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Erika who loved to play all day long. She played with her dolls, her toys, and her friends, but when it was time for bed, she didn't want to sleep.

One night, as Erika lay in bed wide awake, she saw a bright star shining outside her window. She closed her eyes and made a wish on the star, wishing that she could fall asleep quickly and have sweet dreams.

Suddenly, she heard a soft voice whispering in her ear, "Close your eyes, little one, and imagine a magical land where you can play all day long and have wonderful adventures."

Erika did as she was told, and soon she was drifting off to sleep, dreaming of rainbows, unicorns, and butterflies.

In the morning, she woke up feeling rested and happy, ready to play and have fun all over again. And every night since then, Erika would look up at the star and whisper her wish, knowing that the soft voice would guide her into a peaceful sleep. The end.